Welcome TREA Members at Large


TREA: The Enlisted Association is proud to unfold the new MAL information page. Feel free to send in to HQ or the IT Committee Chair your individual updates, activities, state legislative issues and other important information that needs to be shared.This site will be an ideal location for links you want to share as well as social media links.In Addition, other postings from the National President, TREA HQ, TREA Washington D.C. office, the TREA Board of Directors and Committee updates will also be posted. 

TREA: The Enlisted Association is calling on all Members At Large (MAL)s to respond to this new section of the TREA Website
We would like to hear what is going on in your area; especially with concern to our Vets along with the Active Duty/Reserve Component personnel. We want to get a distribution list going for a more effective communication channel. If you are interested please email Doug Osborne 
MAL IYT Rep: Doug Osborne

Check regularly for updates and send your information to [email protected] or msiggins@trea.org